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Topics of Doctoral Thesis prepared in cooperation with II PAS - ERCE


PhD dissertations



Edyta Kiedrzyńska, 2007

Nutrients retention and flood sediments deposition in the Pilica River valley for the reduction of eutrophication of the Sulejów Reservoir.

Agata Drobniewska, 2008

Optimization of the use of sewage sludge for bioenergy production based on a large scale experimental willow plantation and mathematical model.

Magdalena Urbaniak, 2009

Comparative analysis of dioxins and dioxin-like compounds in reservoirs of different types of anthropopression.

Ilona Gągała, 2013

Impact of the environment factors, with particular emphasis on the role of bacteria, on the dynamics of occurrence and toxicity of freshwater cyanobacteria.



  European Regional Centre
for Ecohydrology
of the Polish Academy of Sciences

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