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UNESCO IHP Demonstration Projects on Ecohydrology

The first UNESCO/UNEP Demonstration Project "Application of Ecohydrology and Phytotechnology for Water Resources Management and Sustainable Development" was launched in 2000 at the Pilica River catchment (Poland).

Today the Centre co-ordinates implementation of the ecohydrology concept in Demonstration Projects on Ecohydrology in different regions of the World. The Projects are being developed in the framework of the UNESCO's IHP Ecohydrology programme for years 2004 - 2005, as a part of the work plan of the Joint IHP-MAB Main Line of Action 4 for 2004 - 2005 of Subprogramme II.1. Based on the ecohydrology concept, demonstration projects are to develop a cost-effective, comprehensive strategy, not only for improving water quality and quantity, but also for meeting local concerns in a given region.

  European Regional Centre
for Ecohydrology
of the Polish Academy of Sciences

3, Tylna Str.,
90-364, Lodz, Poland
Phone: (+48) 42 681 70 06
Phone: (+48) 42 681 70 07
Fax: (+48) 42 681 30 69

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