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Summer changes of cyanobacterial blooms and microcystins concentration in eutrophic Czech reservoirs. Environmental Toxicology 21: 236-243 |
Znachor P., Jurczak T., Komarkowa J., Jezberova J., Mankiewicz-Boczek J., Kastovska K., Zapomelova E |
Detection and monitoring toxigenicity of cyanobacteria by application of molecular methods. Environmental Toxicology 21: 380-387. |
Mankiewicz-Boczek J., Izydorczyk K., Romanowska-Duda Z., Jurczak T., Stefaniak K., Kokociski M |
Detection of microcystin-producing cyanobacteria In Finnish Lasek with genus-specific microcystin synthetase gene E (mycE) PCR and associations with environmental factor. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 72(9): 6101-6110 |
Rantala A., Rajaniemi-Wacklin P., Lyra C., Lepisto L., Rintala J., Mankiewicz-Boczek J., Sivonen K. |
Toxic Cyanobacteria strains in lowland dam reservoir (Sulejow Res., Central Poland): amplification of mcy genes for detection and identification. Polish Journal of Ecology 54(2): 171-180 |
Mankiewicz-Boczek J., Urbaniak M., Romanowska-Duda Z., Izydorczyk K. |
Acoustical estimates of fish and zooplankton distribution in the Piaseczno reservoir. Aquatic Ecology 40: 211-219 |
Godlewska M., Jelonek M. |
Ecological principles and stream restoration. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol 29:2045-2050. |
Madsen B.L., Boon P.J., Lake P.S., Bunn S.E., Dahm C.N., Langford T.E., Zalewski M. |
Diurnal variations in carbon isotope composition of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in a freshwater dam reservoir. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 6: 53-59. |
Jdrysek M.O., Kurasiewicz M, Trojanowska A, Szymkiewicz A, Lewicka D, Milanowska A, Kauny A, Izydorczyk K, Drzewicki W, Zalewski M. |
Possibilities of ecohydrology application for good ecological status of ecosystems. Nieszawa Reservoir case. Water Management. 10: 379-381 |
Zalewski M. |
The preliminary analyses of soil respiration in the plant community (Kurwka River). Komisja Infrastruktury Wsi PAN, Krakw |
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Diurnal and seasonal fish horizontal migrations in the Sulejw reservoir, Poland Hydroacoustics 9:217-226 |
Wojtalik J., Godlewska M., Frankiewicz P., Zalewski M. |
Three-dimensional model of flooding of the river floodplain - visualization of ecohydrological interactions. In: Mkhaylo Lobur (Ed.). MEMSTECH Technical University of Lviv, Ukraine 146-148. |
Kaczorowski D., Sekulska-Nalewajko J., Kiedrzyska E. |
The study of requirements for the system of automatic measurement of vegetation cover in river catchments. In: Committee Organizing of the International Conference TCSET'2006 Technical University of Lviv, Ukraine 335-336 |
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Modelling of inundation pattern at Pilica river floodplain, Poland. In: Demuth S., Gustard A., Planos E., Scatena F. & Servat E. (Eds) Climate Variability and Change-Hydrological Impacts . IAHS Publications 308. 579-585. |
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M. Zalewski, M. Lapinska, and I. Wagner |
ECOTONES, in Fresh Surface Water, [Prof. Masashi Sekiguchi], in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS) Eolss Publishers, Oxford ,UK, [http://www.eolss.net] |
L.W.G. Higler, Lapinska M., Zalewski M. |
RIVER ECOSYSTEMS REHABILITATION, in Fresh Surface Water, [Ed. James C.I. Dooge], in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Eolss Publishers, Oxford ,UK, [http://www.eolss.net] |
Verdonschot P.F.M., Lapinska M., Zalewski M., Verdonschot P.F.M. |
Risk assessment of toxic Cyanobacteria in Polish water bodies. In: A.G. Kungolos, C.A. Brebbia, C.P. Samaras and V. Popov [eds.] Environmental Toxicology. WITpress, Southampton, Boston, pp. 49-58. |
Mankiewicz-Boczek J., Izydorczyk K., Jurczak T |
Bioindication of microcystins toxicity by germinating seeds. In: A.G. Kungolos, C.A. Brebbia, C.P. Samaras and V. Popov [eds.] Environmental Toxicology. WITpress, Southampton, Boston, pp. 243-252. |
Romanowska-Duda Z., Grzesik M., Mankiewicz J., Zalewski M. |
2006. Ecohydrology - an interdisciplinary tool for integrated protection and management of water bodies. Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 158/4, p: 613-622. |
Zalewski M. |
European Regional Centre
for Ecohydrology
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