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Ecohydrology – why demonstration Projects throughout the world ? Ecohydro. Hydrobiol. 9(1): 3-11. |
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Ecohydrology: A framework for reversing the degradation of the Baltic Sea. Baltex Newsletter. Oct/2009: 7-10. |
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Ecohydrology for engineering harmony between environment and society. Danube News. 19 (11): 2-4. |
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Ecohydrology as a basis for the sustainable planning: focus on Lodz, Poland. Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol. Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol. SWITCH MONITORI. 8:209–217. |
Wagner I., Zalewski M. |
Ecohydrology system solutions to the ecosystem services: the Pilica River Demonstration Project. Ecohydro. Hydrobiol. 9(1):13-39. |
Wagner I., Izydorczyk K., Kiedrzyńska E., Mankiewicz-Boczek J., Jurczak T., Bednarek A., Wojtal Frankiewicz A., Frankiewicz P., Ratajski S., Kaczkowski Z., Zalewski M. |
Fate and effects of CeO2 nanoparticles in aquatic ecotoxicity tests. Environ Sci Technol. 43(12): 4537-46. |
Van Hoecke K., Quik J.T., Mankiewicz-Boczek J., De Schamphelaere K.A., Elsaesser A., Van der Meeren P., Barnes C., McKerr G., Howard C.V., Van de Meent D., Rydzyński K., Dawson K.A., Salvati A., Lesniak A., Lynch I., Silversmit G., De Samber B., Vincze L., Janssen C.R. |
First report of the cyanobacterial toxin cylindrospermopsin in the shallow, eutrophic lakes of western Poland. Chemosphere. 74(5): 669-75. |
Kokociński M., Dziga D., Spoof L., Stefaniak K., Jurczak T., Mankiewicz-Boczek J., Meriluoto J. |
Establishment of an Alert Level Framework for cyanobacteria in drinking water resources by using the Algae Online Analyser for monitoring cyanobacterial chlorophyll a. Water Res. 43(4): 989-96. |
Izydorczyk K., Carpentier C., Mrówczyński J., Wagenvoort A., Jurczak T., Tarczyńska M. |
Zróżnicowanie przestrzenne zawartości PCDD i PCDF w zbiornikach zaporowych: Włocławskim i Sulejowskim. Monografia „Dioksyny w Przemyśle i Środowisku”: 64-68. (ISBN 978-83-7242-504-1). |
Urbaniak M., Zieliński M., Wesołowski W., Dąbrowska H., Zalewski M. |
Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-furans (PCDFs) compounds in sediments of two shallow reservoirs in Central Poland” Arch. Environ. Protec. 35(2): 125-132. |
Urbaniak M., Zieliński M., Wesołowski W., Zalewski M. |
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Urbaniak M., Skowron A., Frątczak W., Zieliński M., Wesołowski W. |
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Urbaniak M. |
Towards an integrated model of socioeconomic biodiversity drivers, pressures and impacts. A feasibility study based on three European long-term socio-ecological research platforms” Ecological Economics. 68(6): 1797-1812. |
Haberl H., Gaube V., Díaz-Delgado R., Krauze K., Neuner A., Peterseil J., Plutzar C., Singh S. J., Vadineanu A. |
The relationship between saampling intensity and sampling error-empirical results from acoustic surveys in Polish vendace lakes. Fisheries Research. 96: 17-22. |
Godlewska, M., Długoszewski, B., Doroszczyk, L., Jóźwik, A. |
Występowanie grzybów mikoryzowych u wybranych roślin zbiorowisk rzeki Kurówka. Woda-Środowisko-Obszary Wiejskie. 9, 3 (27): 195-204. |
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Baltic And Eastern Continental Rivers. In: Tockner K., Robinson C.T., Uehlinger U. (eds). Rivers of Europe, Elsevier, pp. 700. |
Henn T., Łapińska M., Zalewski, M., Olšauskyt÷ V., Skorupskas R., Briede A., Druvietis I., Gavrilova G., Parele E., SpriĦăe G., Gaumiga R., Melnik M.M., Aleksandrov J.V. |
European Regional Centre
for Ecohydrology
of the Polish Academy of Sciences
3, Tylna Str.,
90-364, Lodz, Poland
Phone: (+48) 42 681 70 06
Phone: (+48) 42 681 70 07
Fax: (+48) 42 681 30 69 |