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Aphanizomenon gracile (Nostocales), a cylindrospermopsin-producing cyanobacterium in Polish lakes. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res.
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Genetic diversity of perch populations in three lowland reservoirs (Central Poland): perspective for fish sustainable management. Polish Journal of Ecology
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Mankiewicz-Boczek J., Imsiridou A., Kaczkowski K., Tsiora A., Karaiskova N., Łapińska M., Minos G., Zalewski M. |
Spatial distribution of PCDDs, PCDFs and dl-PCBs along the cascade of urban reservoirs. Hydrology Research,
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Urbaniak M., Zieliński M., Kaczkowski Z., Zalewski M. |
Day-night differences in hydroacoustic estimates of fish abundance and distribution in Lake Laojianghe, China. J. Appl. Ichthyol.
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Ye S., Lian Y., Godlewska M., Liu J. and Li Z. |
Spatial and temporal variability of a vendace (Coregonus albula (L.)) population in Lake Pluszne, Poland, based on hydroacoustics and trawl catches. Advances in Limnology
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A biogeochemical barrier to enhance a buffer zone for reducing diffuse phosphorus pollution – preliminary results. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology
2013. 13: 104-112.
Izydorczyk K., Frątczak W., Drobniewska A., Cichowicz E., Michalska-Hejduk D., Gross R., Zalewski M |
Ecohydrology for harmonization of societal needs with the biosphere potential. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology
2013. 13 (1): 3-5.
McClain, M.E. , DuBowy, P.J., Zalewski, M |
The role of ecohydrology in creating more resilient cities. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology
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Ecohydrology: Process oriented thinking towards sustainable river basins. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology
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Wysokoefektywne strefy buforowe dla zwiększenia potencjału ekologicznego i turystycznego zbiornika sulejowskiego. Gospodarka Wodna.
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Frątczak W., Izydorczyk K., Zalewski M. |
Strategia zastosowania ekohydrologicznych metod i rozwiązań systemowych dla redukcji toksycznych zakwitów sinicowych w Zbiorniku Sulejowskim. Gospodarka Wodna
2013. 12: 474-478
Izydorczyk K., Frątczak W., Zalewski M. |
Standartisation of hydroacoustic techniques for fish in freshwaters. IN: Papadakis J.S, Bjørnø (eds), 1-st International Conference and Exhibition on Underwater Acoustics, UA2013 Proceedings: Bioacoustics and Fisheries, ESBN 978-618-80725-0-3, Corfu, Greece, 1595-1600 |
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Biodegradation of PCDD/PCDF and dl- PCB. IN: Chamy R., Rosenkran F. (Eds) Biodegradation - Engineering and Technology. INTECH Publisher, ISBN 978-953-51-1153-5, pp. 73-100. 2013 |
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Produkcja bioenergii i detoksykacja osadów ściekowych z wykorzystaniem ekohydrologii i technik fitoremediacyjnych. ISBN: 978-83-902280-3-7 |
Urbaniak M., Drobniewska A., Zalewski M. |
Blue aspects of green infrastructure. IN: Bergier, T., Kronnenberg, J., Lisicki, P. nature in the city - solutions. Sustainable development – applications (nr 4/2013). Sendzimir Foundation. |
Wagner, I., Krauze K., Zalewski, M. |
Ecohydrology – transdisciplinary sustainability science for multicultural cooperation. IN: Griffiths J. and Lambert R. [Eds.] Free Flow Reaching Water Security Through Cooperation. UNESCO, Paris, France, pp 299-303. 2013 |
Zalewski M., Izydorczyk K., Wagner I., Mankiewicz-Boczek J., Urbaniak M., Frątczak W. |
Błękitne aspekty zielonej infrastruktury. IN: Bergier, T., Kronnenberg, J., Lisicki, P. Przyroda w mieście - Rozwiązania. Zrównoważony Rozwój - Zastosowania 4: 145-155. 2013 |
Wagner, I., Krauze K., Zalewski, M. |
European Regional Centre
for Ecohydrology
of the Polish Academy of Sciences
3, Tylna Str.,
90-364, Lodz, Poland
Phone: (+48) 42 681 70 06
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