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Title Autor
Using chemically treated organic recycling materials to enhance freshwater purification. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies. 2016 Bednarek A., Szklarek S., Dziedziczak K., Kowalski B. , Zalewski M.
Do Fish and blue-green algae blooms coexist in space and time? Fish. Res. 173: 93-100. 2016 Godlewska M., Izydorczyk K., Kaczkowski Z., Jóźwik A., Długoszewski B., Ye S. Lian Y. and Guillard J.
Exceptionally Tall Individuals in a Relict Population of Actaea europaea (Schipcz.) J. Compton Against the Species of the Euro-Asiatic Cimicifuga Section. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies. Vol. 25, No. 2, 889-893. 2016 Kiedrzyński M., Kurowski J.K., Kiedrzyńska E., Maciejewski P.
Cyanophages Infection of Microcystis bloom in lowland dam reservoir of Sulejów, Poland. Microbial Ecology. 71(2): 315-325. 2016 Mankiewicz-Boczek J., Jaskulska A., Pawełczyk J., Gągała I., Serwecińska L., Dziadek J.
Changes in biodiversity and trade-offs among ecosystem services, stakeholders and components of well-being: the contribution of the ILTER to PECS. Ecology and Society. 2016 Maass, M., Balvanera, P., Baudry, J., Bourgeron, P., Dick, J., Equihua, M., Forsius, M., Halada, L., Krauze, K., Nakaoka, M., Orenstein, D., Parr, T., Redman, C., Rozzi, R., Santos-Reis, M., Vădineanu, A.
The science, policy and practice of Nature-Based Solutions: an interdisciplinary perspective. Science of the Total Environment. 2016 Nesshöver C., Assmuth T., Irvine K., Rusch G., Waylen K.,  Delbaere B., Haase D., Jones-Walters L., Keune H., Kovacs E., Krauze K., Külvik M., Rey F., van Dijk J., Vandewalle M., Vistad O., Wilkinson M., Wittmer H.
A low-voltage electric fish guidance system—NEPTUN. Fisheries Research 181: 25–33. 2016 Parasiewicz P., Wiśniewolski W., Mokwa M., Zioła S., Prus P.,  Godlewska M.
Leaching of PCBs and nutrients from soil fertilized with municipal sewage sludge. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 2016 Urbaniak M., Gągała I., Szewczyk M., Bednarek A.
Effects of stormwater and snowmelt runoff on ELISA-EQ concentrations of PCDD/PCDF and triclosan in an urban river. PLoS ONE 11(3). 2016 Urbaniak M., Tygielska A., Krauze K., Mankiewicz-Boczek J.
Potential for phytoremediation of PCDD/PCDF-contaminated sludge and sediments using Cucurbitaceae plants: a pilot study. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 2016 Urbaniak M., Wyrwicka A., Zieliński M., Mankiewicz-Boczek J.
Temporal changes in the abiotic/biotic drivers of selfpurification in a temperate river. Ecological Engineering 94: 275–285. 2016 Wagner I., Zalewski M.
The different physiological and antioxidative responses of zucchini and cucumber to sewage sludge application. PLoS ONE 11(6). 2016 Wyrwicka A, Urbaniak M.

  European Regional Centre
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